From Routine to Remarkable: How Dating Your Husband Can Revitalize Your Marriage

Calendar with highlighted dates representing the commitment to regular date nights in a marriage.


Imagine a time when every glance, every touch, and every word shared with your partner felt electric. For many, these moments are vivid memories from the early stages of dating. As time marches on, the routine of life may dull these once vibrant experiences. However, the beautiful truth is, the journey of marriage can continue to be exhilarating and deeply satisfying. This article explains a very simple way to revitalize your marriage. Allow me to guide you on how re-dating your husband can transform your everyday routine into something truly remarkable.

Why Date Your Husband?

  • Keeping the Spark Alive: Continual dating ensures the flame of romance doesn’t flicker out. It’s about creating moments of connection, laughter, and affection, much like continuously adding logs to a bonfire to keep it roaring.
  • Personal Growth Together: Trying new activities or revisiting old favorites isn’t just fun; it’s a way to grow together. Each new experience or shared interest adds another layer to your relationship, much like adding vibrant colors to a shared canvas.
  • Communication and Appreciation: In the hustle of daily life, deep conversations can take a back seat. Dating creates a space for these discussions, allowing you to express gratitude, dream together, and address any concerns openly.

How to Start Dating Your Husband Again

  • Schedule Regular Date Nights: Consistency is key. Whether it’s every Friday night or every other Wednesday, having a regular date night gives you both something to look forward to and ensures that it happens.
  • Try New Activities Together: This could be as simple as trying a new cuisine or as adventurous as kayaking. The goal is to step out of the daily routine and into shared adventures.
  • Reminisce and Create New Memories: Visit your first date spot or the place you first said “I love you.” Combine nostalgia with the creation of new, joyful memories.

Ideas for Dating Your Husband

  • Adventure Dates: Whether it’s a hike in a nearby trail or a salsa dancing class, find activities that both of you have expressed interest in and dive in together.
  • At-Home Dates: Not every date needs to be a night out. Cooking a new recipe together, starting a puzzle, or even gardening can be deeply bonding experiences.
  • Surprise Dates: Plan something unexpected for your partner. It shows thoughtfulness and can bring back the excitement of early dating days.
A couple cooking together in the kitchen, surrounded by ingredients and cooking utensils.

Maintaining the Momentum

  • Keep It Flexible: Be understanding if a date needs to be rescheduled, but don’t let it fall off the calendar.
  • Communicate Openly: Regularly check in with each other about what types of dates you’re enjoying most and what you might want to try next.
  • Involve Him in Planning: Make planning dates a joint venture. It can be as simple as each person taking turns to plan the next date.

Personal Story

In my own marriage, there was a period when life just seemed to revolve around routines and responsibilities. We realized we were drifting into being roommates more than life partners. Determined to change this, we started “Friday Night Adventures.” It didn’t have to be extravagant — sometimes it was trying a new recipe, other times visiting a museum or driving to a lookout point. The point was dedicating time to us as a couple. These dates brought us back to the joy and excitement we felt when we first met and reminded us why we chose each other.


Revitalizing your marriage by dating your husband isn’t just about returning to the past; it’s about forging a vibrant, loving future together. It’s about making the ordinary days extraordinary and finding joy in the journey you’re sharing. Embrace the adventure, the comfort, and the love that comes from rediscovering each other time and time again. Share your experiences, embrace these tips, and watch as your marriage transforms from routine to remarkable.

References & Further Reading:

  1. Our Purposeful Life: 21 Ways to Keep Dating Your Spouse
  2. The Gottman Institute: Pursue Your Partner at Every Stage of Marraige

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